Domain Name

How important is a web domain name when it comes to success
in business? It is said that there are over 20 million domain names currently registered online. Therefore it can be a challenge to come up with a simple yet original name that hasn't already been taken. The domain name you choose will be directly related to how successful you are in eCommerce. Remember that in general a simple domain name is the best to use in marketing.

Your web audience moves fast and wants a domain name that's easy to recall and easy to search for. Long domain names even if they are clever tend to be more confusing or at the very least wearisome to type.

Some Web owners in marketing recommend using your name in the domain name, especially if you have an unusual name or if it is an important part of your business. This is a formal introduction to your character and quickly associates you with your product. If your name is relatively common then try combining it with your last name or perhaps include a middle initial. Another option is to choose a domain name that sums up your online identity, that is, the image that you are projecting. For example if you're specialty were selling green supplies and equipment you could call your domain name something to the effect of "The Green Man", a phrase that associates you with your online business.

Benefits from a domain name

How about choosing a controversial domain name that still gets the point across? It is a possibility and something to the effect of is easy to remember. However there are two cons to consider here.

First your domain name could become a laughing stock in the eyes of potential customers and attract negative attention. Two you could offend some customers and perhaps even draw irate criticism by way of email, telephone or even your home address. That's right-anyone can look up your domain name data and learn such personal information. Unless you want to live like a celebrity and deal with paparazzi every day it's best to keep things prudent.

When simplifying your web domain try and keep only the major phrase along with a .com or .net top level domain. Though this may not be a necessity right away because when your business grows you do want gradually phase out sub-directories and have a clean, concise domain name that will quickly capture interest.

Value of a catchy business name

If you have reason to believe that your business would benefit from a domain name that is already taken then it may be time to consider buying the domain name from its present owner. Sellers of domain names will charge top dollar if possible, because they know the value of a catchy business name.

If you need additional help try researching a popular online domain name for your type of business. You could even survey people's thoughts on what seems like the best domain name for your company. The answer to choosing the right domain name for your business is to create a fast connection to your audience. Once you achieve that they will be listening intently to your message!

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