10 Ways to Improve Your Website Usability

alt Improving your website usability can help you
to increase your conversion rate. Search engines
love this as well, so your rankings will improve
definitely. Here are 10 Ways to improve your
Website Usability.

Simple ways to improve your website usability.

1. Improve Navigation:
Your website should be easy and intuitive to move from one place to another. It also needs to have many useful features like an internal search feature that is effortless to use. More often, website owners add content or web pages to their site, but they forget to make the necessary changes in the navigation. This may irritate the visitors and they leave the site without placing an order. You can get the help of some professionals to identify the navigation problems in your website and solve them, so that your website usability can be improved.

2. Take care of your visitors security and privacy:
Fine prints may frighten people, especially when they need to give their personal and financial information. You can solve this problem by displaying the security icons prominently and put your privacy policy in appropriate places.

3. User friendliness:
If you want to improve your website usability, you need to ensure that your site is user friendly. Asking too much information from the visitor often irritates people. Instead, you can encourage people to give their feedback and offer them options to reach you.

4. Create informative content:
The content in your website not only helps you drive traffic, but also help you to convince the visitors to become your customers. Ensure that your content is highly readable, so that the readers can digest the information easily. Also make sure that you use time saving and attention grabbing writing techniques to improve your website usability.

5. Use images strategically:
Pictures help you convey your message clearly. You can add photos, graphs, charts and pictures to your website. Using images effectively can help your visitors understand the theme of your website at a glance.

6. Offer some incentives and free things:
You can improve your website usability by offering free incentives like eBooks to the visitors who are willing to sign up for a newsletter. A newsletter offers a great way to keep people coming back to your website.

7. Solve common user problems:
Visitors may have some questions and queries before placing their order with you. For instance, they may want to know whether you are offering free shipping and how long it will take for delivery. You can take steps to address common user queries.

8. Highlight important fields:
If your website requires the user to fill out a form, highlight the most important fields, so that required information will not be missed. You need to make it clear that some information is crucial to process the orders placed by the user in your website.

9. Make the users comfortable:
Some consumers are not fully comfortable online. They may be worried to give their credit card number and other sensitive information online. Hence, you need to take measures to keep these users feel comfortable first. You need to make them believe that your website is genuine, which in turn helps you improve your website usability.

10. Build credibility:
Building credibility is the best way to improve your website usability. Convince your visitors that you are genuine. You can add customer testimonials and success stories to your website and build confidence and at the same time improve your website usability.

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